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Bortezomib is sold under the brand name Bortenat 2 mg, which is a type of anti-cancer drug in the form of lyophilized powder. The first useful proteasome inhibitor is known as Bortenat 2 mg; The...

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Bortenat 2MG


Bortezomib is sold under the brand name Bortenat 2 mg, which is a type of anti-cancer drug in the form of lyophilized powder. The first useful proteasome inhibitor is known as Bortenat 2 mg; The proteasome is a cellular structure that breaks down proteins.
A 2 mg Bortenat injection helps prevent multiple myeloma in patients with or without prior treatment and mantle cell lymphoma.


Multiple Bortenat Myeloma 2 mg is indicated for the treatment of patients suffering from multiple myeloma. Bortenat mantle cell lymphoma 2 mg is indicated for the treatment of mantle cell lymphoma, which patients received at least 1 before treatment.


Bortenat 2 mg injection used in mammalian cells is a reversible inhibitor of the chymotrypsin-like activity of the 26-S proteasome. The drug inhibits directed proteolysis, which affects many signaling cascades responsible for normal homeostatic functions in the cell, which leads to cell death.


The peak plasma concentration after the 1st dose is 57 and 112 ng / ml. When administered twice a week, the Cmax observed for a dose of 1 mg / m2 is from 67 to 106 ng / ml, for 1.3 mg / m2 it is from 89 to 720 ng / ml.

Human plasma concentration> 80%

2 mg Bortenat injection is metabolized mainly through the cytochrome P450 isoenzymes of CYP3A4, CYP2C19 and CYP1A2.

Path allocation Bortenat 2 mg were not characterized. The final elimination of the half-life after a dose of 1 mg / m2 is 40 hours - 193 hours, after a dose of 1.3 mg / m2 is 76 hours - 108 hours.

Bortenat 2 mg Dosage and Administration

Bortenat is administered alone or in combination with dexamethasone. A three-week course is considered a cycle of therapy. At least 72 hours should slip between constant doses of Bortenat. Bortenat (lyophilized powder form) is reconstituted using 0.9% sodium chloride (HC). Bortenat should be reconstituted in 3.5 ml of HC. The route of administration is intravenous bolus. Do not intrathecal for administration. In adults:

recommended dose of Bortenat for untreated mantle cell lymphoma is 1.3 mg / m2 Bortenat, administered as an intravenous bolus, administered twice a week, in combination with rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin and a prednisolone tablet for two weeks (day I , IV, VIII and XI) followed by a rest period of 10 days (day II-21). At relapse stage: the normal dose of Bortenat is 1.3 mg / m2, administered as an intravenous bolus or subcutaneously twice for two weeks (day I, IV, VIII and XI) followed by a 10-day rest period (day II-21 ) Therapy should, followed by the above 8 cycles, be prescribed once a week for 4 weeks (days 1, 8, 15 and 22), then a 13-day rest (days 23 to 35)

In the treatment of previously untreated multiple myeloma: 1.3 mg / m2 doses should be administered in the form of 3 to 5 seconds as a bolus intravenously or subcutaneously while using melphalan and prednisolone tablets for nine 6-week therapeutic cycles. Cycles 1 through 4 are entered by Bortenat. twice a week, (day 1, 4, 8, 11, 22, 25, 29 and 32) Cycles 5 to 9, Bortenat is entered once a week (day 1, 8, 22 and 29)

Moderately, 72 hours should elapse between the following doses of Bortenat 2 mg

At the recovery stage, the
usual dose of Bortenat is 1.3 mg / m2, it should be administered intravenously bolus or subcutaneously, as twice a day for two weeks (days 1, 4, 8 and 11), continuing the course of ten-day rest (day 12 to 21) . treatment was raised above 8 cycles can be taken once a week for 4 weeks (1, 8, 15 and 22 days) followed by a 13-day rest (day 23 after 35)

Bortenat 2 mg side effects

The most common side effects are
black tarry stools; Bleeding gums; Blood in the urine; Blurred vision; Body aches; Burning, crawling, itching, numbness, tingling, chest pain; Cough with mucus, dizziness, weakness, nervous pain, painful urination, pallor of the skin, runny nose, sore throat, nasal congestion, swollen glands, drowned eyes, ulcer, dry mouth, stuffy ear, voice loss

Less common side effects are
loss of appetite, muscle cramps. Belching, bone pain, difficulty with movement and bowel movements, colds and trembling, loss of taste, muscle pain, stomach discomfort. Vomiting, weight loss; irregular breathing, edema of peripheral organs, dilated veins, discomfort, hypersensitivity to pain and touch, palpitations, thickening of the bronchial secretion


Взаимодействие с сильными ингибиторами CYP3A4, тогда есть вероятность получения Bortenat 2 мг токсичности; так, чтобы уменьшить дозу Bortenat 2 мг, одновременно с ингибиторами CYP3A4 Сильные индукторы CYP3A4: уменьшить воздействие Bortenat 2 мг. Не использовать комбинацию со ст. Сусла Джонса снижает воздействие Bortenat на 2 мг Хотя одновременный прием с мелфалан-преднизоном или одним дексаметазоном не оказывает клинического влияния на воздействие Bortenat в дозе 2 мг


При приеме Bortenat 2 мг возникают некоторые побочные эффекты, поэтому следует соблюдать осторожность при таких состояниях, как Bortenat 2 мг приводит к периферической невропатии, такой как ощущение жжения, гиперестезия, гипестезия, парестезия, нейропатическая боль. симпатомиметики Токсичность для сердца Токсичность для легких, такая как острый респираторный дистресс-синдром, пневмонит, интерстициальная пневмония, инфильтрация легкого Синдром задней обратимой энцефалопатии - остановка терапии Бортенатом 2 мг При замене желудочно-кишечного тракта - заменители жидкости или электролита требуется токсический тромбоцитопения - токсичность Тромбоцитопения - токсический токсический синдром Тромбоцитопения - токсический токсический синдром - токсический тромбоз токсического типа - токсический тромбоцитопения - ядовитая токсичность Тромбоцитопения - токсический токсический синдром Ядовитость желудка - Токсическая токсичность - токсический токсический синдром


Bortenat 2 mg is not recommended during pregnancy, it harms the fetus. Breastfeeding is not recommended.


Bortenat 2 mg vial should be stored at a temperature of 20 to 25 ° C (68 to 77 ° F), 15 to 30 ° C (59 to 86 ° F). Keep away from light and heat.

Missed dose

If one missed dose is missed, prescribe the dose as you remember. If it is close to the next dose, skip the missed dose and follow the usual schedule. Do not take an extra dose at a time. Consult your doctor for further dose changes.

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